Critical Reflection
The Effective Communication module was a great learning experience for me. I learned many things throughout these 13 weeks in class, and can firmly say that I have definitely improved after taking this module. The design summary and analysis was the first major assignment of this module that I struggled with. Due to the lack of understanding, I was not confident in what I was writing, had lots of trouble paraphrasing, and also forming proper sentences due to my lack of vocabulary. This resulted in slow progress for the assignment as I would take a longer time to complete as compared to my peers. However, the peer evaluation done in class has benefitted me tremendously as I was able to correct my mistakes through constructive feedback given by my classmates and professor. By evaluating the work done by my peers, I was also able to learn by comparing the difference between our writings. The technical report was a group project in which we had to come out with an idea to imp...