
Critical Reflection

The Effective Communication module was a great learning experience for me. I learned many things throughout these 13 weeks in class, and can firmly say that I have definitely improved after taking this module.  The design summary and analysis was the first major assignment of this module that I struggled with. Due to the lack of understanding, I was not confident in what I was writing, had lots of trouble paraphrasing, and also forming proper sentences due to my lack of vocabulary. This resulted in slow progress for the assignment as I would take a longer time to complete as compared to my peers. However, the peer evaluation done in class has benefitted me tremendously as I was able to correct my mistakes through constructive feedback given by my classmates and professor. By evaluating the work done by my peers, I was also able to learn by comparing the difference between our writings. The technical report was a group project in which we had to come out with an idea to imp...

Technical Report Final Draft

  Personal Statements Benjamin Ang is a student at the Singapore Institute of Technology, studying mechanical engineering. Taking modules such as engineering design graphics and digital engineering skills in his previous trimester, he believes that the knowledge will aid him greatly for this project. Brandon Koh is a student at the Singapore Institute of Technology, studying Mechanical Engineering. He has recently finished design thinking modules such as engineering design graphics and digital engineering skill, that experience will help fuel the creative thinking process for brainstorming new designs for the project. Chuah Sande is a student at the Singapore Institute of Technology, studying mechanical engineering, he joined this project to create a laundry basket to help the elderly. Using knowledge from previous modules such as engineering design graphics (EDG), he believes that he would be able to apply said knowledge to this project.  ...

Technical Report Draft 2

Personal Statement: Benjamin is a student at the Singapore Institute of Technology, studying mechanical engineering. Taking modules such as engineering design graphics and digital engineering skills in his previous trimester, he believes that the knowledge will aid him greatly for this project. Brandon is a student at the Singapore Institute of Technology, studying Mechanical Engineering. He has recently finished design thinking modules such as engineering design graphics and digital engineering skill, that experience will help fuel the creative thinking process for brainstorming new designs for the project. Sande is a student at the Singapore Institute of Technology, studying mechanical engineering, he joined this project to create a laundry basket to help the elderly. Using knowledge from previous modules such as engineering design graphics (EDG), he believes that he would be able to apply said knowledge to this project.     Heng loong is a student a...